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Scenario details:
- Over one month we intend to get the records of maximum and minimum temperatures in an industrial plant in order to perform a study on energy efficiency
- We want the MTX-Tunnel to work as a local data-logger modbus; that is, it acts and reads data without needing to send them to any web server. The objective is that the MTX-Tunnel reads the data and stores them internally, like a “pen drive”. After one month, an operator will physically retrieve the MTX modem and will extract the data for further analysis
- The device that will be used to read the temperature will be a temperature sensor modbus, specifically the model MTX-TEMP-IP65. The temperature is to be read every 30 minutes
Solution: MTX-65iRS485 modem + MTX-Tunnel software
EXAMPLE of settings (file config.txt) for such scenario:
Configuration | Observations |
COMM2_baudrate: 9600 COMM2_bitsperchar: 8 COMM2_autorts: off COMM2_autocts: off COMM2_stopbits: 1 COMM2_parity: none GPRS_timeout: 10 MTX_PIN: 0000 MTX_mode: none MTX_model: MTX65iRS485 MTX_portAux: modbusmaster MTX_TPServer: null MTX_ping: 0 MTX_configMode: reverse LOGGER_enabled: on LOGGER_registerSize: 100 LOGGER_numRegistersFlash: 1500 MODBUS_address: 49 MODBUS_start: 1 MODBUS_numwords: 1 MODBUS_period: 600 MODBUS_readCommand: 4 |
Serial port baud rate Number of bits No flow control No flow control 1 stop bit No parity The modem will be connected SIM Card PIN MTX-Tunnel mode MTX modem model AUXILIAR COM port used as master modbus No time synchronization Ping every 35 minutes without comms So it works without SIM card We enable the MTX Logger, to store the records Register size Maximum number of records in MTX Sensor modbus address Initial address to be read N. of records read from the 1st sensor record Every 10 minutes a reading is made Sensors read with the modbus command 0x04 |
- Notice the LOGGER_server parameter is not specified, as none will be used. Do not specify any in the configuration file so the MTX-Tunnel does not try to use it
- For a proper working of the scenario, it is very important that parameters are in bold have the same value that in this example
- Regarding the records numbers, it has been taken into account that temperature readings are made every 30 minutes, which implies 48 readings a day. 48 readings a day, 30 days (1 month) is 48 x 30 = 1440. This is the minimum number of records it needs to have to be able to register 30 days. For greater security we recommend 1500 records