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MTXTunnel can send SMSs when the level of any digital input changes. This can be performed with the GPRS tunnel activated at same time.
Table of Contents
Description: This parameter will activate this SMS alarm feature when the digital input level changes.
Possible values:
- on, off
- Default value: off
Additional notes:
- Each platform type has its own specific input for alarms which are assigned based on the device .
Description: Alarm GPIO input level value definition: “0” o “1”
Possible values:
- 0, 1, 2
- Default value: 0
Additional notes:
- The alarm is defined by the change in level value
- “1” means a transition from “0” to “1”
- “0” means a transition from “1” to “0”
- “2” means a transition from “1” to “0” or “0” to “1”
ALARM_gpioMessage, ALARM_gpioMessage1
Description: SMS sent when alarm occurs. ALARM_gpioMessage is the message sent when the digital input changes from “1” to “0”. ALARM_gpioMessage1 is the message sent when the associated digital input changes from “0” to “1”.
Possible values:
- Up to 160 characters text string length
- Default value: “Alarm”
Additional notes:
- Text string must be less than 160 characters because that is the limit of the length of the SMS text
Description: This important parameter avoids sending SMSs continuously when the input alarm pin changes. MTX-Tunnel will just send one SMS in the specified time value parameter.
Possible values:
- 0… 86400 in seconds (1 day)
- Default value: 60 (1 hour)
ALARM_smsNumber1, ALARM_smsNumber2, … , ALARM_smsNumber10
Description: To specify which phone numbers you want to send the SMS alarm to.
Possible values:
- Phone numbers, national or international numbering scheme
- Default value: none
Additional notes:
- Valid characters are the numbers “0” … “9” and the “+” character
Description: To specify if there will be an SMS alarm message when there is a power failure, or when the system goes back to normal.
Possible values:
- on, off
- Default value: off
Additional notes:
- This parameter will only work properly in MTX devices with an internal battery
ALARM_powerMessageOn, ALARM_powerMessageOff
Description: It specifies the text of the SMS alarm message that will be sent when a change is detected in the power system. A message for power failure and a message for power back on can be specified.
Possible values:
- Text of less than 160 characters
- Default value: “Power On” and “Power Off”
Additional notes:
- The Text can be no longer than 160 characters, which is the maximum length of a SMS text message
- This parameter will only work properly in MTX devices with an internal battery
Description: it allows to enable the SMS alarm for the equipment that has ULP. If this option is enabled, if an MTX is on ULP (asleep) and is awaken by a tamper input (digital input), when the MTX wakes up, it will send an alarm SMS.
Possible values:
- on, off
- Default value: off
Additional notes:
- The text of the SMS message is established in the parameter ALARM_ulpMessage
- The telephone numbers you send the SMS to must be configured in the parameters ALARM_smsNumber1 … ALARM_smsNumber10
- Find the example on this guide where the parameter ALARM_ulpEnabled is for mor information
Description: text of the SMS message that will be sent when an MTX with ULP awakes with a tamper input (digital input).
Possible values:
- A text containing less than 160 characters
- Default value: MTX waking up
Additional notes:
- Remember to activate the parameter MTX_ulpEnabled if you want to use this feature
- The telephone numbers you send the SMS to must be configured in the parameters ALARM_smsNumber1 … ALARM_smsNumber10
- Find the example on this guide where the parameter ALARM_ulpEnabled is for mor information