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The parameters with a WMBUS_ prefix are those related to the MTX-Tunnel configurations installed in MTX modem models that have W-MBUS support. Using these configuration parameters will allow the modem to be configured to read, store and send the W-MBUS frames collected from devices that have such technology (such as temperature sensors, water meters, electricity meters, etc.).
Description: This parameter allows you to specify a time window in minutes. During these time windows, the modem will only accept readings from WMBus devices once based on its MAC, which will reduce data traffic in communications.
Possible values:
- Time windows are not used. All received frames are stored for sending. <1440 Minutes of the time window
- Default value: 0
Additional notes:
- A value of 0 will cause the device to store and send all the frames received from the same device (same serial number) as long as the configured filters (both serial number and manufacturer) are met. If there are no filters configured by serial number and manufacturer, a 0 will mean the storage and sending of all received WMBus frames
Description: This parameter allows you to specify the operating mode of the internal radio communication card W-MBus.
Possible values:
- 3, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14
- Default value: 9
Additional notes:
- The mode must be chosen according to the W-MBus devices to be read
3 = modo S
7 = modo T-Meter
8 = modo T-Other
9 = modo T/C Other
13 = modo C-Meter
14 = modo C-Other - Check with if you need additional help
Description: This parameter allows you to specify a manufacturer filter. By specifying a manufacturer filter, the MTX-Tunnel will only store and send those W-MBus transmissions that correspond to a specific manufacturer, saving data from the SIM card.
Possible values:
- 3 character filter. See the following list of additional notes
- Valor por defecto: none
Additional notes:
- See Annex D for the 3-character filter list for each W-MBus device manufacturer
- If you do not configure any manufacturer filter, no manufacturer filter will be performed, accepting the frames of any of them
- It is possible to specify a manufacturer filter individually for each device in the wmbus.txt file. (See the additional notes for Example 10.2 for more information.) If you want to use manufacturer filters specified in the wmbus.txt file, do not use this parameter WMBUS_filter
Description: This parameter allows you to specify the format of the W-MBus data sent within a JSON object to an HTTP platform, MQTT, etc.
Possible values:
- jsonrawhex, jsonrawbase64
- Default value: jsonrawhex
Additional notes:
- The WMBus data collected by the MTX-Tunnel after the filtering process (by manufacturer, time window, serial numbers, is saved and sent to a remote data platform always in raw mode within a JSON object, where it must be decoded
- Example of jsonrawhex mode, where WMBus data is sent as WDATA parameter in hexadecimal mode
{IMEI:354033091777774,TYPE:WMBUS,TS:2020-12-11T11:37:47Z,WDATA:1d4446062a100020011b722a1000204606011bfd0000000466c1000000129b} - Example of jsonrawbase64 mode, where WMBus data is sent as WDATA parameter in base64 mode
{IMEI:354033091777774,TYPE:WMBUS,TS:2020-12-11T08:58:07Z,WDATA:HURGBioQACABG3IqEAAgRgYBGz8AAAAEZrcAAAASLw==} - Note that the data sent in base64 occupies less size in number of bytes transmitted, so with this method you will save bandwidth of your data plans