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Detalles del escenario:
- Se dispone de 100 dispositivos con puerto RS232 (115200,8,N,1 y control flujo HW) los cuales se necesitan monitorizar desde un puesto de Control Central vía IP, para ello se utilizará MTXTunnel, para que actúen como un túnel transparente 2G/3G/4G-Serie
- Los módem serán los que se conecten periódicamente, cada 20 minutos y durante 5 minutos, a un servidor central mediante un socket TCP cliente
- Una vez conectados al servidor central, los módems deben identificarse enviando una cadena identificativa+IMEI. Tras el envío con la cadena identificativa, el módem debe establecer una pasarela 2G/3G/4G-RS232 transparente durante los 5 minutos
- Para poder acceder al mantenimiento remoto del módem, el módem debe tener habilitado el servicio Telnet y la configuración por SMS
Solución: MTX-Tunnel firmware + MTX-Java-IoT/MTX-Java-T/MTX-Java-T2
Archivo de configuración config.txt:
Configuración | Observaciones |
COMM_baudrate: 115200 COMM_bitsperchar: 8 COMM_autocts: on COMM_autorts: on COMM_stopbits: 1 COMM_parity: none GPRS_apn: movistar.es GPRS_login: MOVISTAR GPRS_password: MOVISTAR GPRS_timeout: 5 GPRS_autoTimeout: off MTX_PIN: 0000 MTX_model: MTX-4G-JAVA-IOT-STD-N MTX_mode: client MTX_urc: off MTX_IDClient: ID0001 MTX_IDClientExtended: imei MTX_TPServer: null MTX_alwaysConnectedClient: off WAKEUP_timeEnabled: on WAKEUP_time1: XXXX00 WAKEUP_time2: XXXX20 WAKEUP_time3: XXXX40 TCP_IP: ipServidor.midominio.com TCP_port: 20010 FIREWALL_enabled: off TELNET_enabled: on TELNET_login: user TELNET_password: 1234 TELNET_firewall: off SMS_allPhones: on SMS_ATEnabled: on SMS_ATResponse: on |
Serial port baud rate 8 bit data CTS hardware control enabled RTS hardware control enabled 1 stop bit No parity GPRS APN by GSM operator GPRS Login GPRS Password The gateway will last 5 minutes Duration doesn’t restart when data is received If the SIM card does not have a PIN, 0000 MTX chosen The modem is set up as TCP server We do not need URC information messages Modem identifier Besides the identifier, we want the IMEI to be sent We don’t want a real time server We don’t want the socket to reconnect We want a time delay per hour The socket will be set at 00 minutes of every hour The socket will be set at 20 minutes of every hour The socket will be set at 40 minutes of every hour DNS (o IP) where the modem will be connected Where the modem will be connected Firewall is disabled We enable Telnet to send remote commands… Telnet login Telnet password The MTX accepts telnet connections from any IP All phones are authorized We enable AT command via SMS We enable replies via SMS to the AT commands |