¿Buscas alguna otra cosa?
Scenario details:
- Monitor the modem’s inputs remotely and present values in a 3rd-party web page
- MTX-Tunnel has to be permanently connected to GPRS in server mode, waiting for HTTP GET connections coming from this web page
- The end customer web page will be ASP language programmed and will collect all of the values and display them
Solution: MTX-Tunnel firmware + MTX-Java-IoT/MTX-Java-T/MTX-Java-T2
Config.txt configuration file:
Configuration | Observations |
GPRS_apn: movistar.es GPRS_login: MOVISTAR GPRS_password: MOVISTAR GPRS_timeout: 0 MTX_model: MTX-4G-JAVA-IOT-STD-N MTX_mode: none MTX_ping: 30 MTX_pingIP: WEBSERVER_enabled: on WEBSERVER_firewall: off WEBSERVER_login: user WEBSERVER_password: 1234 WEBSERVER_skin: http://www.mtxtunnel.com/webserverimg/ WEBSERVER_gsmScript: http://www.blogelectronica.com/gps/gsm.php |
GPRS APN from your network operator GPRS Login GPRS Password Modem is permanently connected to GPRS MTX-Terminal modem model used No gateways Minutes for connectivity supervisor Connectivity supervisor IP address Webserver sevice enable Firewall disabled Webserver login Webserver password Webserver skin Script GSM positioning |
ASP page programming example:
The ASP programming example for this scenario is very simple.
Basically, in ASP code we use AT commands that are executed remotely and collect the responses. The command used is AT^MTXTUNNEL=GETIOS which obtain all of the digital and analog input values in one shot.
The results of these values are shown in the web explorer:
set XmlObj = Server.CreateObject(“Microsoft.XMLHTTP”)
XmlObj.open “GET”, “http://mtxtunnel.dyndns.org/api.html?ATCOMMAND=AT%5EMTXTUNNEL=GETIOS&LOGIN=user&PASS=1234”, false
datosDelMTXTunnel = XmlObj.responseText
for i=0 to 9
Response.write(“El Value de GPIO” & i+1 & “ es: “ & vectorDatos(i) & “<br>”)
Response.write(“El Value de ADC1 es: “ & vectorDatos(10) & “<br>”)
Response.write(“El Value de ADC2 es: “ & vectorDatos(11) & “<br>”)
The web page will show: